Magic trick about the pandemic

Magic trick video about the pandemic
Magic trick about the pandemic – we produced during the shelter in place, “stay at home order” this new magic trick video about the pandemic – a message of hope!
A magician’s take on the pandemic:
“A Grain of Salt”
Enjoy and stay save and healthy! A positive take on social distancing and how to help each other.
Magicians with a message is a way to convey ideas and principals and plant the seed of mystery and hope.
New magic trick video about the pandemic
Click the link to our vimeo video:
More videos from the Magic Circus:
Cultivate Hope by Jeff McBride:
Some folks say, “Hope is Love,” others call it a desire. Emily Dickinson wrote that it’s “a thing with feathers…that sings the tune…and never stops at all.” I suspect there is truth in each of these, but for this context I take hope to be an elusive human capacity to imaginatively create a forward path or sense of the future, exactly when those things seem foreclosed.
Ordinarily, hope is a reservoir we draw on when needed, but during the pandemic we’ve gone to the well more than usual. Which perhaps means we need to do a bit more to replenish the well.
For me, this happens with some intentional quiet time—shutting off the constantly interrupting noise of modern social-media life. It happens over meals with family and dear friends. It happens by reading meaningful things rather than superficial trash. It happens by getting sufficient sleep and going for walks. Your own list will vary.
But I think what’s true for all of us is that magic fills the tank. Every little “miracle” is a human-created reminder that the world is a surprising place, that through art the impossible is possible, and that feels great. So sure, magic is the art of the impossible, but that very phrase also makes it the art of hope.
Jeff McBride, master magician
1 Comment. Leave new
Hi Benny! A wonderful story you done! Bravo!
Very happy for this 🙂 🙂
Best regards