Virtual Magic & Puppet Shows for Kids

Virtual Magic & Puppet Shows for Kids
Virtual & Social-Distancing Magic & Puppet Shows for kids and families.
a safe way to have fun entertainment this summer. Magicians, Clowns, Science guy, Pirates and more.
Company picnics & kids birthday parties:
Magic Circus offers now for your summer special events and parties interactive virtual & social distancing magic & puppet shows for children and families. A save way to connect and have fun entertainment customized to the age group.
We also offer special programs for summer camps, library summer reading programs and school assembly programs.
Virtual Magic & Puppet Shows for kids, Social-Distancing Magic Shows for Summer Camps:
during the summer book our live social distancing science and magic shows for your summer camp.
Duration 30 min. and 45 min.
Virtual School Assemblies:
For the fall we are preparing virtual online school assembly programs with science or multicultural themes. Live-stream via YouTube or Vimeo and following a Zoom Meet and Greet
Virtual Magic Shows for Libraries, Virtual & Social-Distancing Magic Shows:
Due to the Covid-19 situation we created for libraries an online magic show.
The prerecorded program features our host Benny Bendini and our 2020 Magic Circus Summer Reading Show with Benny the Magician and Bebe the Clown.
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Virtual Magic & Puppet Shows for Kids

Virtual Magic Circus
Shows for children and families
4 Comments. Leave new
Thank you for the fun magic show!!!! That was really lovely and we all liked it a lot!!! Lots of giggles 🙂
Jashan loved the show. Every day he asks ‘when can we watch the next one’.
The interactive piece is so beneficial during social distancing.
Charley and Matilda loved it. The high lights were the bunny in the hat and Coco the monkey.
Matilda won’t normally sit down for zoom and she sat down for the entire show.
Definitely laugh out loud moments.
Thank you!
The puppet show was even better than I expected! So much fun!
Thank you,